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Motivation for dealing with grief

 “Oh death, where is your sting?”  I Corinthians 55:5 Can anyone actually really accept death? The verse “O death, where is your sting” sometimes seem ironic because when a loved-one dies, the pain really ‘stings’. I am sure you have dealt with grief on numerous occasions and perhaps even now you may be grieving because someone dear to you has died. During the last year, I was ‘stung’ by the death of my grandmother and mother - three months apart to be exact. If I tell you that I am over it, I would be lying. People encourage you to “remember the good times” but the truth is that every good memory still shrinks me into sadness because she (mom) is no longer with me. It is okay to feel sad and cry at times. Sometimes you may even be in denial about the entire situation or angry that the person left you in this world, but these feelings are all apart of the stages of grief. Instead of drowning in sadness, I diverted much of my focus and time to building myself spiritually and being grate

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