Life Lessons 2: Discouraging yourself

 "If you make it your duty to search for reasons which stand in opposition of the decision you want to make; then, you are sure to find."

The Motivated Counsellor

Perhaps you have found yourself overcome with fear when you are about to make a decision to do something major in life. Maybe you are considering buying a land or house, purchasing a car, starting university, starting a new business, getting married or migrating - whatever it is, you may weigh the pros and cons of the decision. 

I realised that FEAR of the unknown often prevents us from making a decision to change. You may think of all the things which could go wrong, but how about thinking of all the things which could be right about making the decision?

Let fear go and live! You deserve it!


  1. Fear is our biggest enemy thank you for sharing.

  2. Motivated CounsellorDecember 14, 2023 at 5:42 PM

    You are correct: fear is an enemy. Thank you for your comment

  3. Beautiful words of encouragement


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