Motivation for new moms.

 You may have waited years for the opportunity to be called 'mom', and thankfully, despite the challenges of pregnancy and childbirth, you now have your little prince or princess. You are enjoying motherhood, BUT, many days you may feel overwhelmed. You have now become superwoman, supermom and super wife however you do not quite feel Super Motivated. What can you do? How do you take time for YOU? You have become a super multi-tasker: from breastfeeding, preparing formula, changing diapers, home management and keeping up with the demands of your job. You probably do not even feel very happy with your body changes and your hair has been neglected. I want you to consider what I will say next:

Dear New Mom,

You did it! Yes, you did!

You lovingly allowed your body to be the habitat for a little human,

You were sick, even bedridden at some point,

You lost your appetite and perhaps even gained weight

Now that the baby is born and growing nicely, you feel joy in your heart,

But many days you feel taken for granted, misunderstood and neglected

Regardless, just know that YOU are WORTHY.


Without YOU, many things would fall apart within your family.

YOU are BEAUTIFUL even when you do not feel you are.

You are an anchor for the family and you are loved by the Creator of Heaven and Earth.


Yours truly,

The Motivated Counsellor

New mom


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